Meißner Allee 7, Gauernitz, Sassonia, Germania, Europa
Sito web:
Tel: +49 0351 4521467 - Fax: +49 0351 4521468
Sito web:
Tel: +49 0351 4521467 - Fax: +49 0351 4521468
Welcome to Saxony, home of the river Elbe, the historic city of Dresden, beautiful scenery and picturesque villages. In Dresden, you will see the world famous, breathtaking Zwinger, the celebrated Semper Opera, and a number of excellent museums and restaurants.
To get the full Saxony experience, one must go out to see the small villages and countryside. An excellent destination would be Meissen, a historic town set on the bank of the Elbe. In Meissen one must visit the renowned China
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